----- Original Message -----
From: "Austin L. Denyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Newbie Linux List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2000 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ISP

> > Why not?  CompuServe can be made to run on an OS/2 box.  If you
> > look hard enough, there are even software that alow you to connect
> > to AOL under linux, though I don't remember where.  So, if people
> > are writing software to allow AOL to run on a linux box,  someone
> > is/has probably developed some software to allow you to connect
> > with CompuServe.  Search www.freshmeat.net for CompuServe.
> I still find this sort of thing a little strange.  Generally the kind of
> people who know enough about systems to run Linux want REAL ISPs, not
> wannabee ISPs like AOL/Compu$erve.
> Kinda like setting up a 2.5Ghz Pentium V to run Pong...
> Just my $0.02 (Florida residents add 6.5% Sales Tax)
> Regards,
> Ozz.

You use what you have access to. Some of us don't have multipule choice
regarding ISP's or cable TV
for that matter. It took 7 years to get cable TV up here in the mountains
yet we have 5 ISP's to choose
from. Go figure. And AOL is the largest ISP corporation in the word. That
hardly rates as a wannabe.


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