Sorry - meant to send this to the list, but sent it personally instead.
My apologies to Chris, who will now get two copies...

> > You use what you have access to. Some of us don't have multipule
> choice
> > regarding ISP's or cable TV
> > for that matter. It took 7 years to get cable TV up here in the
> mountains
> > yet we have 5 ISP's to choose
> > from. Go figure. And AOL is the largest ISP corporation in the word.
> That
> > hardly rates as a wannabe.
> The reason I class AOL as wannabees is that they do not offer 'proper'
> access like the other providers do.  By that I mean (for example)
> everything requires their own software - you don't have the access
> freedom of the majority of other ISPs.
> For the record, of all the ISPs I've tried, the best (in my opinion)
> Demon Internet Ltd in the UK (  For less than 20
> bucks a month I got a static IP address, my own host name with
> e-mail addresses (I had total control of EVERYTHING to the left of the
> 'at' sign - great for running my own mailing lists!), 25mb web space,
> mailbox size limits, FULL news coverage (none of the message size
> restrictions of BellSouth), etc.
> I could even host my web pages on my own home computer if I wished (I
> did this for a while).  That gave me (effectively) unlimited storage.
> That, to me, is a REAL ISP.  The rest come a very poor second.
> I just wish I could get such service here at a sensible price...
> Regards,
> Ozz.

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