> Or like my school useing a 700mhz system for word processing, and not
> allowing me to install some games. But they did let the pokénuts
install a 5
> minute recording of 'the pikachu song' to play on startup.

I had a similar problem a few years ago with one of the companies I
worked for.  I originally had a 486DX33 (at the time this was bleeding
edge!) for my programming work - when I first got it, this was by far
the most powerful machine in the company.  Over the years, the company
upgraded the other users, but refused to upgrade mine ("no money
available for that...").  I ended up writing a report to the CEO
pointing out that by using my own personal machine at home I could get
more work done in 2.5 hours than I could on the works machine in a week
(most of my time was spent waiting for the machine) and that if they had
supplied the machine I'd asked for, when I'd asked for it, the machine
would have paid for itself many times over already in saved labor costs.

I had the new machine two days later #;-D


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