Hey Olly, once again great info.  I have to say I'm pretty overwhelmed with
linux right now.  Of course I've had four heinekens so that probably don't
help either hehe.  I solved yesterday's problem by reinstalling linux.  X
works just fine now. Guess I had a bad install the first time.  This modem
issue is quite a bear, but I like the challenge. Don't worry though, I
haven't even brought up my sound card issue yet.  One step at a time. )
This mail group is great though!


P.S.   Denise Austin is looking especially hot today!   Muwahhaha

----- Original Message -----
From: Oliver L. Plaine Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] I can't detect my modem

On Mon, 11 Sep 2000 15:49:06 -0400,John wrote:

>For my modem, I need to install a special RPM driver made by lucent.  So I
have a new question.   I downloaded the file with windows.  How do i access
the file from linux?  Is this possible?  Oh, and I haven't a clue how to
install it, but my knowledge grows by the hour ).
Mon, 11 Sep 2000  16:38:58

I do it this way a lot John, from Linux you must make a mount point
for the M$ Windows drive and edit an entry into your fstab file...

There is a howto outlining the procedure ..check MUO ..Mandrake users
.org there is a wealth of info on that site....

Be sure to identify the drive as vfat, this way the long filenames
will be preserved, using  a dos identifier will lose long filenames.

Then you can navigate the whole windows(linux refers to as dos)
partition and copy up any file to linux...

With RPM files I have had no problem but with zipped files,

The only problem I have had is sometimes the files
mysteriously become unzipped? then when you run tar.gz it shows an
error like "not a GZ file" the way around that is to put a set of " "
around the file name and don't use the z...example...tar -xvf
"somefile.tar.gz"   .....and that should do it.
Inside the tarball will be a readme normally on how to install.

you may gain from looking at...man man....man tar  man rpm ..just type
them in any term

How did you make out yesterday with the no X problem? was the
midnight commander any help?

Olly P

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