RE: [newbie] I can't detect my modemIf the rpm will fit on a floppy you can
copy it there, and then copy back to your linux partition. If you are using
FAT16 or VFAT for windows, or NTFS with an NTFS-read-enabled linux kernel,
you can simply mount the windows partition and pull it off directly.

Floppy in linux (assuming you formatted the thing in windows):
su to root,
mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
cd /mnt/floppy
cp [rpm-name] /root
cd /root
rpm -Uvh [rpm-name]

For the hard drive partition, you need to know where it is, if it is on the
first drive it will be /dev/hdaX where 'X' is the linux ext2 partition
number, usually (i believe) 5 or 6. If anyone has a reall quick and easy way
of figuring out what partitions reside on an unmounted hard drive, I love to

Assuming it's /dev/hda6:
cd /mnt
mkdir /winpart
mount -t vfat /dev/dha6 /mnt/winpart
cd /mnt/winpart
cp [rpm-name] /root
cd /root
rpm -Uvh [rpm-name]

See if that helps.


----- Original Message -----
From: John

Well, it seems I've gotten somewhere.  It turns out my modem is a winmodem.
But fortunately it's also a "linmodem".  I went to this website which has a database that tells
you whether or not you have a compatible linux modem.  Best way to search is
by FCC regulation no. which is found physically on your modem.

For my modem, I need to install a special RPM driver made by lucent.  So I
have a new question.   I downloaded the file with windows.  How do i access
the file from linux?  Is this possible?  Oh, and I haven't a clue how to
install it, but my knowledge grows by the hour ).

----- Original Message -----
From: John
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] I can't detect my modem

I've been checking out different web pages for info about modems.  The more
I look, the less I think this will be an easy fix. sigh.
Oh well, time to shut this baby down and get a closer look look at my modem.
Will post later or tomorrow.  Wish me luck. )

----- Original Message -----
From: Kandace Little
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] I can't detect my modem

Let me know if you get your modem working and what
you did to make it work. I have the same problem as
well but, when I query ttyS0 it finds it talks to it. Weird
is it not :(


----- Original Message -----
From: John
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] I can't detect my modem

Thank, Dennis.  I'll take a look at that.  And all inputs are welcome.  The
sooner I solve this the happier I'll be.

----- Original Message -----
From: Myers, Dennis R NWO
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 11:44 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] I can't detect my modem

Sorry to butt in but I have read that if you have the Network routing daemon
running it will interfere with a dialup modem. You might want to check that
in Drakconfig. Just a thought. It got me on one install. As soon as I
disabled the network routing the modem dialed. Good luck, Dennis
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of John
Sent:   Monday, September 11, 2000 8:59 AM
Subject:        Re: [newbie] I can't detect my modem
I followed your instructions for configuring my port.   Unfortunately with
no success.  Found my device just fine using cat tool.
It is indeed a Communication controller.  :)   It is set to IRQ 9.    I
entered the setserial commands you gave me and after doing so and did a
modem query. Now I get  "No response from modem" vice "Modem is Busy" reply.
So I did some experimenting with the setserial handles.  I entered them each
one at time, skipped different ones, just about every combo
possible(restarting between different patterns).  What is happening is I
continue to get the busy reply unless I either (1) include skip_test with
the autoconfig handle -or- (2) run the autoconfig without the skip_test
(still busy) and then do the setserial uart 16550A.  Then i get the no
response.  It seems to me I have isolated the problem to the uart.  I can do
all the other commands and still get the busy reply, but once I use
skip_test or set the uart I get no response.  I also tried every different
uart setting it would allow me to. No help.  I tried the process on ttyS1 as
well with same results.  What exactly is the uart anyway?  I also did less
/proc/interrrupts to look at my IRQs and it wasn't listed (9 that is).
Where do I go from here?
/proc/pci info
BUS 0, device 4, function 0:
Communication controller: Lucent (ex-At&t) Microelectronics L56xMF(rev. 1)
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. IRQ 9.
Master capable. No bursts. Max Gnt=252. Max Lat=14
Also, I am running dual boot (grub) WIN98/Mandrake7.1 Athlon600
Help! )

> Here are my weekly instructions for a PCI modem in Linux.
> The first thing you need to do is find out if you winmodem or a real
> modem. Log in as root and from terminal enter the following command  # cat
> /proc/pci
> This will list all your PCI devices. On this list you should see either
> Communication controller or Communication device, that listing is your
> modem. If it shows as Comm. device you have a winmodem and it won't work
> Linux. If it shows as Comm. controller prceed as follows:
> Write down the first I/O range. In the example I am using 0xd800  replace
> that with yours.
>  Enter the following
> # setserial /dev/ttyS3 port 0xd800 spd_vhi skip_test auto_irq autoconfig
> If there are no errors, then enter
> # setserial /dev/ttyS3 uart 16550A
> Select /dev/ttyS3 as the device in kppp and your modem should now
> and operate.
> To make this perm. you will need to edit your rc.local file which is
> in the /etc/rc.d directory. Add the 2 setserial lines to the end of this
> file
>  Save the changes and reboot your system.
>    Charles  :-)
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: John
> >
> > It is on com port 4 in windows which is ttys3 in linux I believe.  When
> > query it using KPPP it tells me "Sorry, modem is busy".  Of course it
> > says this for just about every other port as well.  I found some
> > documentation on and it mentions that special
> instructions
> > are required for ttys2 and ttys3.  Of course they don't tell you what
> these
> > instructions are.  I am unable to change the com port to 2 as it goes to
> > automatically when it installs (in Windows).  I am really stumped here.
> Any
> > words of advice?  Thanks
> >
> > John
> >

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