try dis-abling P-n-P in your BOIS and setting the P-n-P operating system to NO
in bios if you have such settings.

 On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> It is on com port 4 in windows which is ttys3 in linux I believe.  When I query it 
>using KPPP it tells me "Sorry, modem is busy".  Of course it also says this for just 
>about every other port as well.  I found some documentation on and 
>it mentions that special instructions are required for ttys2 and ttys3.  Of course 
>they don't tell you what these instructions are.  I am unable to change the com port 
>to 2 as it goes to 4 automatically when it installs (in Windows).  I am really 
>stumped here.  Any words of advice?  Thanks
> John

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