so am I , but I want to USE it not keep on installing it!

price wise I paid 40+ uk minipounds for 7 delux

I'm upset to see that I can get SuSie 7 personal edition for 24.70 uk£
or the full pro edition for 41.70 uk£

peter bunce

Larry Marshall wrote:

> I've only used their support once and got a timely and very helpful
> response.
> > I am by now an "old hand" :-) at installing, configuring and
> > reinstalling my Linux, etc. But even for an "old hand", it would seem
> > that 2 incidents are just not enough. For a newbie, this is, I believe,
> > terribly unfair. He/she certainly deserves a lot more than that. I would
> > suggest at least 10 incidents per user.
> I've been following this list for a while and it's certainly the case
> that many newbies need a lot of help.  Much of it stems from a
> reluctance to look for an answer themselves.  It's clear that many
> don't read even as much as the manual that comes with ML, let alone
> anything else.  In my opinion, a tech support line should not deal
> with these problems.
> Let me ask you a couple questions.  How much did you pay for ML7.1?
> Doing so got you a set of disks and a book.  How much do you think is
> left over to pay for tech support?  Even if you deal with basic costs
> do you think there's $20 there for tech support?  That would buy 20
> minutes of my time; how about yours?
> These simple economic realities get in the way of being critical of
> the support coming with these products in my opinion.  If you want it
> to change you should suggest that Mandrake should sell for $100-150
> and provide better support.  In that way they could accommodate you.
> By contrast, you get to pay that for an upgrade to Windows and you get
> NO support.
> Thus, I'm thrilled with what Macmillan/Mandrake are doing and I hope
> they keep doing it just like they are...well and inexpensive.
> Cheers --- Larry

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