You don't have to pick a random name, Michael.  We do have a viable
alternative to throwing our vote away on corporate Republicrat like
Bush/Gore!  His name's Ralph Nader.  And the most important thing if you
want him to win as letting him enter the debates.  I've been trying to
hold myself back from this topic, but it seems to be so related to the
open-source/free-software (as in software freedom) movement that I gotta
say this.  Right now both parties are working together to keep Nader and
Buchanan out of the debates.  That's primarily because of what happened
with Perot when he was in the elections.  But also our friend from
Minessota, Jesse Ventura, had about the same poll rating as Nader does
now (about 8%) before the debates,a nd he won by a landslide
afterwards.  Right now a lot of people (including a lot of Bush and Gore
supporters) are working to get Nader included in the debates because
they see it as a basic freedom of speech, freedom to hear another voice
issue.  Plus, he'll force Bush/Gore to answer some questions they don't
want to deal with.  

Whew.  Had to get that out!  :)  Thanks for lettin' me let loose.  If
you wanna learn more about it some goods sites are:
and my favorite radio program

Sorry for the rant, but it had to be said. 
Love all'yall.

-Paul R
Michael wrote:
> I'd rather pick a random name from the phone book rather than vote for
> either Bush or Gore. I'll probably end up picking a name from the EFF or
> something like that. It's better to choose someone I'd really want knowing
> my canidate has no chance of winning than to throw my vote in behind
> someone I wouldn't trust to run my Quake server and become just another
> zombie. Does anyone have any favorites for who we should vote for as the
> Geek platform? If you wanted to get serious you might pick something like
> Richard Stallman and Eric Raymond (I probably killed their names but oh
> well.. I misspell my own name too) but I can't imagine the two of them
> working together if they could avoid it. So this election day vote for the
> losser. :)
> *^*^*^*
> Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sungod robes
>  on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little
> pickles at you? -- Real Genius
> On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> > "F. E. Schaper" wrote:
> >
> > > I'll leave the Presidential debate open for others to discuss as I think
> > > that is too far off topic for this list, but I will ask you this:
> > > Do you want a President who, up until this point is most famous for
> > > approving the execution of 2 women, and for picking his nose on national
> > > television?
> > >
> > > I may have to move to Canada next year.
> >
> > I agree that this is better left somewhere else...but I can't help it...I'll
> > never vote for a potential president whose agenda includes destroying the 2nd
> > amendment in order to achieve the (dubious) honor of removing firearms from
> > Americans!
> >
> > I say again...never.
> >
> > --
> >
> >                                                                        /\
> >                                                                    Dark><Lord
> >                                                                        \/
> >

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