I know z80 asm. I need my reference chart of course, but I have writen

Anyone here managed to get windows 95 to run on an amstrad with a z80 and
64k ram? I have. I had to rewrite the gui part so it would run. There were
no drives, but it did have a working start menu. It used a loystick as a
mouse. The idea was to show how bloted windows is. The hardest part was the
dithering routine. I ended up removeing it and just useing nearest color. It
was writen in basic with a few routines in machine code. I lost the code.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carroll Grigsby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 2:00 AM
Subject: Re: OT [newbie] Off-topic posts.

> Ozz:
> Can't resist it --
> I once had a boss who claimed that he learned to program in octal. The
> hard part was punching the holes in the cards with a nail file.
> (oh well, it is labeled off-topic, right..)
> -- Carroll
> "Austin L. Denyer" wrote:
> >
> > It also helps for programming.  Those of us who can remember programming
> > raw hex using a 25-key keypad with a 7-segment LED display on a machine
> > only a few kilobytes of RAM know the importance of tight code.  A lot of
> > today's programmers wouldn't believe the applications we could write in
> > few kilobytes.  Also, the tight code ran so much faster than today's
> > bloatware...
> >
> > Oh well.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Ozz.

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