> I know z80 asm. I need my reference chart of course, but I have writen
> programs.
> Anyone here managed to get windows 95 to run on an amstrad with a z80 and
> 64k ram? I have. I had to rewrite the gui part so it would run. There were
> no drives, but it did have a working start menu. It used a loystick as a
> mouse. The idea was to show how bloted windows is. The hardest part was
> dithering routine. I ended up removeing it and just useing nearest color.
> was writen in basic with a few routines in machine code. I lost the code.

Nice one!

The closest I saw to that personally was a GUI that bore more than a passing
resemblance to Windoze that ran on the 48k Sinclair Spectrum.  This machine
also used the Z80 (actually Z8080A) processor, and was the replacement for
the Sinclair ZX81 (my first 'personal computer')!

It's a pity you lost the code - I'd have LOVED to parse that...


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