> The only use I found for self modifying code was speed. example in basic:
> do
> a=key
> if a=27 then beep:end
> If a=64 then beep:beep:end
> if a=65 then beep:beep:beep:end
> loop
> change to:
> 11 change_next_line_to "goto "+key+1
> goto 11
> 28 beep:end
> 65 beep:end
> 66 beep:end
> If you can understand my improvised basic-like language, you can see the
> improvement.

I can see what you're getting at.

I'll knock up a better (more detailed) version of what I was talking about
when I get a bit more time, although I'll post it privately rather than dump
it on this list.


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