> Ozz, I put in the X3 in the initialization string, still no dialtone
> when I have a message on voice mail. Should it be Capital X or lower
> case x for the X3? I am trying to find out from Cox Cable if there is a
> nother way to signal voicemail other than the stutter tone.

What is your current init. string?  If there was nothing there before then
the x3 needs to be prefixed with 'at' (without the quotes).

In other words, if your modem string was "atm1v1" then it should become
"atm1v1x3".  If it was blank, then it should become "atx3" (all without

The x3 bit is not case sensitive, and is the standard Hayes-compatible
command for "ignore dialtone".

It works for me - I needed it for when I was in Europe with a laptop/PCMCIA
modem combination.  Some of them Europeans have some very different


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