Dennis Myers wrote:
> Ozz, I put in the X3 in the initialization string, still no dialtone
> when I have a message on voice mail. Should it be Capital X or lower
> case x for the X3? I am trying to find out from Cox Cable if there is a
> nother way to signal voicemail other than the stutter tone.
[snip]'s possible that your modem does not support the
entire AT command set.  Follow the directions in my previous
message to see if you get OK's back when entering the AT

Capitalization normally doesn't matter, but some command sets
are only partly standard, so trying both cases wouldn't hurt.  

What X1 or X3 does is tell the modem to not listen for a dial
tone, just dial.  That's why, in my prior message, I suggested
you should also set your S6 register to 2 seconds (the normal
default) so that the modem wouldn't start dialing before the
phone connection is ready. 


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