> KDE resets everything to the original installation. KDE is a bit too
> much like Windows 95, thinks it knows what you want better than you
> do. Any solutions? An alternative app-launcher might be good,

Fortunately, if you're smarter than the interface, you can fix it in the
Linux case :-)  My guess is that you've got an ownership problem from all
the jumping back and forth between root and yourself when you have been
changing this stuff.  It's pretty likely that the problem is that root
owns the .kde directory and .kderc file in your home directory.  If I'm
right, doing 

chown -R yourname .kde


chown -R yourname .kderc

followed by the changes you want to make will result in those changes
taking place and a simple restart of your X will have you happy as a clam.

Cheers --- Larry

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