On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Alan Dunford wrote:
> In an attempt to learn more about Local Area Networks, I have set up a 
> simple three machine net but am experiencing some difficulty and I 
> wonder if a more experienced person could please help.
> The configuration is:-
> Machine 1
> Pentium 3 running Windows 98 as IP (alias windows)
> Network card SMC EtherEZ 8416
> Machine 2
> Pentium 2 running Mandrake Linux 7.1 as IP (alias linux)
> Network card Genius GF100TXRII
> Machine 3
> Pentium 1 running Mandrake Linux 7.1 and Windows 98 as IP 
> (alias compaq)
> Network card Realtek RTL8029
> This machine also has an internal 56 k non-Win modem and a connection to 
> the Internet.
> The machines are connected to each other via a base10 hub with short 
> twisted pair cables.
> The physical installation seems ok as I can ping any machine from any 
> other and get fast return times.  The problem I have, though, concerns 
> machines 2 and 3 whose configuration was intended to be identical.
> Using common log-on user names and passwords and with the Compaq machine 
> as my workstation, I can log on to "linux" and ftp files to and from 
> that machine.  Further, I can download files from the Internet and then 
> pass them to "linux".
> So far so good.
> If, however, I reverse the arrangement and try to use "linux" as my 
> workstation, I can connect briefly to the Compaq machine but the 
> connection times out in two or three seconds and if I use ftp at the 
> command line, I get an error message "421 Service not available remote 
> server has closed connection".  gFTP reports that I am already logged on 
> and then waits for 30 seconds before trying (unsuccessfully) again, even 
> if "compaq" is waiting for a log on of some kind..
> The /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files are blank on both 
> machines apart from their comments and there are no entries in 
> /usr/sbin/tcpd file either.
> Before I tear out what remains of my hair, I wonder if someone could 
> please point me in the right direction.
> Thanks for any help offered.
> PS apologies for crashing into another thread on this newsgroup
> -- 
> Alan Dunford
> Public PGP keys at http://www.pgp.uk.demon.net:11371 and others

You did not note what you are using for an FTP server on the 98 box.  Windows
98/NT does not come with a standard FTP server so you have to buy one if you
want that type of capability.  Windows comes with an FTP client which you used
to connect the Linux boxes but no standard FTP server.
 D.M.(Mike) Mattix

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