Ok and thanks.  I wish now that I had not mentioned the windows machine. 
Both "linux" and "compaq" are running linux.  Using "compaq" I can ftp 
to and from "linux" but if I use "linux" I cannot ftp to or from 
"compaq".  You are right, I think, in saying there is a setup problem on

"compaq" in that it will not accept a connection (of any kind) from 
"linux"   What I am looking for is some pointers as to where to look for 
the setup problem - local knowledge and experience is limited.

Windows connections remain as problems for another day but your helpful 
comments are noted.

Thanks again.


In article <025901c03977$795f15e0$02070a0a@sysii400>, Greg Stewart 
>> You did not note what you are using for an FTP server on the 98 box.
>> 98/NT does not come with a standard FTP server so you have to buy one if
>> want that type of capability.  Windows comes with an FTP client which you
>> to connect the Linux boxes but no standard FTP server.
>I'm only able to (almost) figure this out after reading Mike's response...
>Do you mean by 'reverse the arrangement and try to use "linux" as my
>workstation' that you are running windows on the "compaq", and linux on the
>"linux" machines? And, then getting a timeout error when trying to connect
>to the Windows 98 "compaq" via ftp *from* the "linux" machine?
>Whoa! Head rush.
>Yes, Mike is rght, if what I just hashed is correct. You need to run IIS of
>some version in order to have ftp server capability on the Windows machine.
>I think Personal Wed Server will give you this option, but I'm not sure.
>And, yes, you have to pay for it (well, unless...I won't get into that).
>However, if you mean that you are trying to connect from "linux" running
>linux, to "compaq" running linux, and getting the timeout using ftp, then
>there's a configuration problem on the, well, let's see...[great big pause]
>"compaq" running linux machine.
>But, if the dishwasher, running windows 98, cannot connect to, let me see,
>Afghanistan with linux... Oh hell. I can't think anymore!  :-)
>Could you make a step-by-step list of what you wanted?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "D.M. Mattix (Mike)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 9:59 PM
>Subject: Re: [newbie] network setup
>> On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Alan Dunford wrote:
>> > In an attempt to learn more about Local Area Networks, I have set up a
>> > simple three machine net but am experiencing some difficulty and I
>> > wonder if a more experienced person could please help.
>> >
>> > The configuration is:-
>> >
>> > Machine 1
>> > Pentium 3 running Windows 98 as IP (alias windows)
>> > Network card SMC EtherEZ 8416
>> >
>> > Machine 2
>> > Pentium 2 running Mandrake Linux 7.1 as IP (alias linux)
>> > Network card Genius GF100TXRII
>> >
>> > Machine 3
>> > Pentium 1 running Mandrake Linux 7.1 and Windows 98 as IP
>> > (alias compaq)
>> > Network card Realtek RTL8029
>> > This machine also has an internal 56 k non-Win modem and a connection to
>> > the Internet.
>> >
>> > The machines are connected to each other via a base10 hub with short
>> > twisted pair cables.
>> >
>> > The physical installation seems ok as I can ping any machine from any
>> > other and get fast return times.  The problem I have, though, concerns
>> > machines 2 and 3 whose configuration was intended to be identical.
>> >
>> > Using common log-on user names and passwords and with the Compaq
>> > as my workstation, I can log on to "linux" and ftp files to and from
>> > that machine.  Further, I can download files from the Internet and then
>> > pass them to "linux".
>> >
>> > So far so good.
>> >
>> > If, however, I reverse the arrangement and try to use "linux" as my
>> > workstation, I can connect briefly to the Compaq machine but the
>> > connection times out in two or three seconds and if I use ftp at the
>> > command line, I get an error message "421 Service not available remote
>> > server has closed connection".  gFTP reports that I am already logged on
>> > and then waits for 30 seconds before trying (unsuccessfully) again, even
>> > if "compaq" is waiting for a log on of some kind..
>> >
>> > The /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files are blank on both
>> > machines apart from their comments and there are no entries in
>> > /usr/sbin/tcpd file either.
>> >
>> > Before I tear out what remains of my hair, I wonder if someone could
>> > please point me in the right direction.
>> >
>> > Thanks for any help offered.
>> >

Alan Dunford
Public PGP keys at http://www.pgp.uk.demon.net:11371 and others

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