> cdrecord -duplicate cdrom cdrom2    **i'm making up that switch you know**
> but as i look thru the pages it isn't that easy is it??  or is it?? am i missing 
>anything here?

I haven't done this but I don't think it should be a big problem.  You may
need some other command line switches depending on your setup and desires
but it should work something like

cdrecord -dummy dev=0,0,0 /mnt/cdrom

Thought I'd stick in the -dummy to both test it and announce the source of
this information :-)
> next, i have burned a few CDs using gtoaster.  i was burning one this weekend and 
>went to fire up GIMP while doing that.  short of the long, Linux did a windoze 
>imitation.  crashed & burned big time.  first gtoaster froze, then KFM, then eterm.  
>ended up shutting down to reboot.

Burning CDs, in any OS is very much sensitive to the ability of the
machine to keep the buffer full.  If there's a fetch with nothing there
you lose and the disk is trash.  You can solve this problem by running at
a slower speed using the -speed= option.  

Cheers --- Larry

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