One other note ... as a pot shot in the dark, I thought I'd try to
install RedHat 7.0 (bad idea, I know - just wanted to see if the install
would work or if my hardware was horked) ... it appears to be working
(installing packages now ...)


Brice Ruth wrote:
> Greetings!
> Veteran Linux user here, tryin' out Mandrake Linux for the first time ...
> First off, I can't get through the install.  Here's what happens:
> Everything goes along fine until we're in the stage where the hard drive
> gets partitioned.  I have a 6G drive and I wanted to partition it
> manually ... so I do.  128M swap, 512M root, the rest goes to usr.
> Don't comment on how intelligent or stupid my partitioning scheme is,
> please - that shouldn't be at issue here :)
> The installer partitioning interface works fine, I click "done", it pops
> up a message about writing the partition table to disk "ok" and then I
> get the error ... some kind of incomplete sentence about swap.  Here it
> is verbatim:
> An error occurred
> swap area needs to be.
> WTF?  so I hit "OK" ... try again ... I've tried a million different
> things ... I've tried using ALT+F2 to get to the command line, used the
> fdisk on the CD to manually partition the drive, write out the
> partition, reboot the system ... no go.
> This isn't some crazy system ... fairly new, actually.  AMD Athlon 700
> w/ 6G Seagate medalist pro drive, 128M ram, 66MHz UDMA capable, but I
> think the drive is actually a 33MHz ...
> Any help at all would be most sincerely appreciated!
> Regards,
> Brice Ruth

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