> Everything goes along fine until we're in the stage where the hard drive
> gets partitioned.  I have a 6G drive and I wanted to partition it
> manually ... so I do.  128M swap, 512M root, the rest goes to usr. 
> Don't comment on how intelligent or stupid my partitioning scheme is,
> please - that shouldn't be at issue here :)

You suggest we shouldn't comment on the very subject that seems to be
causing the problem.  I will however, though briefly.  Is this the order
in which you're setting up these partitions?  Are they defined properly as
ext2 and swap?  Obviously something is wrong in your setup or you wouldn't
be getting errors and having problems.  If you could provide a bit more
detail of what you're doing (partition order, type, are you dual-booting?,
etc) might help.  Since you say you're an experienced Linux user, what
Linuxes have you used?

Cheers --- Larry

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