Thanx for the notes :)

I've downloaded the 7.1 iso - I'll give that a shot tomorrow.

As for having the swap first, I recall reading something when I first
started using Linux (maybe in the Linux Adminstrator's Guide?) that
optimal placement of the swap partition (at that time, with those
kernels) was at the beginning of the drive ... since the swap partition
extends memory and 'seek' time depends in part on location, I guess that
was the reasoning :)

Thanx again.

Larry Marshall wrote:
> > 1) I've tried the 'automatic' option - I get the error.
> > 2) I create the swap, then root, then usr (I like having swap first on
> > the disk)
> > 3) They are defined properly as swap and ext2 - I actually wanted the
> > usr partition to be ReiserFS, so I was trying that at first, but
> > eventually went with all ext2
> If they're all defined properly as far as Mandrake is concerned you
> wouldn't be getting an error, right?  You might try putting root in front
> of swap and seeing what happens.
> > 5) I've used RedHat primarily in the past couple years ... started out
> > with Slackware 3.0 (painful).  I used Debian for a bit ... though I
> Mandrake IS RedHat but I've never seen either of them set things up with
> swap first.  Not saying you can't but since it's not working for you you
> might try it with your boot location in the first ext2 partition.
> > Side note 1: I've gone in with a win98 bootdisk & fdisk /mbr to clear
> > the boot record from any previous junk that might have been in it, I've
> > removed all the partition info from within fdisk & created one huge
> > win98 partition (non-formatted) ... when the installer hit that, it
> > asked if I wanted to remove windows & proceed, I said yes, and it did
> > some stuff on the drive then popped up that same exact error message ...
> I've never trusted Mandrake's partitioner so can't vouch for its ability
> to do things properly.  I think you said, however, that you'd tried
> setting things up with fdisk and had the same problems.  I always use
> Partition Magic myself.  I should also say that I don't have much
> experience with Mandrake 7.2 as I don't feel it's as stable as 7.0 or
> 7.1.  They've released some stuff that's a bit half-baked in my view and
> while I don't have the problems you're describing, I've got some of my
> own.  I run 7.1 on my work machine.
> > Side note 2: RedHat 7.0 has finished installing successfully and it
> > seems to be running fine (I'm in X now ...) however, I don't want RedHat
> > 7.0 ... this was just a test, so please keep helping me :)
> Don't blame you...RedHat seems to be facing the same problem I'm seeing
> with Mandrake...all hot to release "new" products, whether they're really
> ready or not.  They've just got to have some "NEW" banners on their list
> of features, whether those are improvements or not :-)
> Good luck.  Would sure like to hear your reasoning for wanting your swap
> at the head of the drive.
> Cheers --- Larry

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