Hear, Hear! You tell 'em Larry! I just want to know one thing,...Why for
Pete's sake is anyone paying these idiots any "Lip Service" ? I don't
respond to many of these topics (probably because my responses are usually
long-winded), but who let these mental midgets in here in the first place?
They seem to take pleasure in ripping off Microsoft. Why not rip them off in
the best possible manner? Don't use their products AT ALL! Isn't that why
we're all here? We don't like Microsoft for a variety of reasons, right?
Buggy O/S's, monopolizing the market, expensive app's, hell, the list is
probably endless. But that's one of the reasons that Linus ( all bow down to
the father of Linux!) created his kernel in the first place. Think about it.
There's really only a few reasons to keep MS programs on your PC. Gaming,
and popularity. Everything else is B.S. Linux, in all it's various forms, is
all about improving the functionality of computers, and increasing the
popularity of Linux is the best way to spread the word. It took a hell of a
lot of ethics, morals and principles (for those of you who use pirated
software look it up in the dictionary,...it's right there after "Blood,
Sweat, and Tears")  for the Linux community to stay it's ground, and to keep
improving it. If you're so pissed off ( can I say that in here?) with MS,
why not wipe that crap off of your system, and make a stand? You're not
showing anyone how "Bright" you are by talking about it here, in fact I
think you're showing everyone one what a feeble-minded worthless Troll you
are! We're all here because we want to be a part of the most significant
revolution to computers since the first Univac system went on-line in the
fifties. Everything since then has just been the trip we had to take to get
here. Personally, I firmly beleive inLinux. So much so, that I just switched
the municipal government I work over to Mandrake 7.1. How's that for making
a stand? What are all you little pirate weenies going to do? Eh? (Yeah, I'm
Canadian, eh?). Why are you so proud about being a thief? Yeah, Microsoft is
big, and yeah their stuff crashes all the time, but who's the moron, here?
Them for building and selling the stuff ? Or us for buying it? There big
because we put all those billions in their pockets. So you're not telling us
anything we haven't realized. We're all here to get off the Microsoft
merry-go-round. Obviously, a few of us have a long way to go. So, tell ya
what. Go somewhere else and brag about ripping people off, K? When you grow
up, come back here, and maybe we'll pay attention to you, or maybe not. By
the way, did you realize that when you rip off Microsoft, you're probably
making it harder for one of their employees' to make a living? You're not
hurting Bill or Paul, or any of those guys. You're hurting someone who works
for a living just like the responsible people in this group. Bill and his
cronies are taking the billions we gave them and they're buying cablevision
companies in Europe, pieces of Intel, and a hundred other companies. They
don't give a Rat's Ass about you, little dweeb. Go away, you bother us.

Did I get that just about right, gang?  (Told you I was long-winded!)

Dan LaBine
M.C.P. , M.C.S.E., A+, C.N.E. (Like any of those letters mean anything now!)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry Marshall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Windows

> > hey i right books and i create many things but you want to know what if
> > post them on the internet i am going to have to expect one person buys
it and
> > then redistributes it to their friends and then thier friends and so on.
> Mike...this thought relies on the thought that you have an alternative to
> giving it away.  That would be more believable if you knew how to spell
> "right" and that "i" should be capitalized.
> I'd suggest, in any case, that you simply stop responding to anything
> posted on this thread so we can get the conference back on topic as what
> you or anyone does with Windows is irrelevant here.
> Cheers --- Larry

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