Mark Weaver wrote:
> O's looking like I'm going to have to decypher the man pages on
> this one. Crap! it's going to be a long weekend with a headache again.
> but thanks John for the reply. And by the way...I've been wondering
> about come so many re-installs?

Mostly - it's called - 'Oh darn it - that's fuxed it!!

I get myself into a position from which I can't recover and due to
our wide time differences it's easier to re-install and recover from
backups, normally around 1 to 2 hours.

It's hell waiting for the rest of the world to wake up, this usually
happens during my evening when all you guys in Gore County are wide
asleep!! (Big silly grin!!).

I have to admit that I genuinely believe that I'm winning this battle
as it it's Thursday AM right now and the last re-install was on 24th
November. Overall I'm pleased with what I'm learning here without
hassling with trying to keep up with the Jones's as far as distribution
levels go.

At this point I'm about ready to start planing a shift of mailing
away from Netscape. It serves well but I haven't yet found a way to get
Netscape to pick up all mail from all email accounts in one fell swoop -
I have 5 accounts which I monitor!!

When I used windows I had a bunch of batch files which switched the Ns
preferences on the fly, but so far haven't sorted my thoughts on how
to do it with Linux - I assume that I have to do some messing about
with fetchmail, sendmail, postfix. But I have a fair bit of reading
to do yet.

It's coming - but any and all suggestions are welcome with the proviso
that my preference is toward a GUI mailing proggy with threading. The
reason for this quite simple - my vision is failing and it's easier to
mess with fonts and colours in the GUI's.


ICQ#: 89345394                  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

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