These aren't bad habits from the user.  
These are complaints about the ergonomics of 
the GUI, in other words, possible bad UI design. 

A bad habit would be the OS/GUI allowing the 
user to do compulsively do something wrong to 
such an extent that it becomes a crutch, but 
forgave the action anyway (eg: not closing 
your html tags).  I can't think of any bad 
habits caused by either Linux or Windows or 
for that matter any OS/GUI...

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug McGarrett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

One of the "bad habits" is having to double-click
when a single click will do.  For those of us
who use both OS's it's quite distracting, and I
think the Linux way makes more sense.

Another bad habit of MS is always having to say
"yes you may" whenever you want to print something.
I hope Linux _never_ does that! I don't know how many
times I've walked over to the network printer and
found nothing because I forgot to say, "yes you may."

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