
 I have just bought Mandrake version 7.2, but I have run into a problem. I
have a Pentium II  with 2x 30 Gigabyte IDE disk drive ( RAID 1 ). The first
problem is related to the LBA issue, e.g. the two disk drives has different
geometry, which I now understand makes no difference under Linux. The other
is to actually install Mandrake on the two devices ( Raid 1 ), or just
install on hda and then to run mkraid to create the md devices.

Do I need to get another distribution, such as Red Hat ( which supports Raid
1 during installations ).

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could give me the bullet points for
how to implement RAID 1 for Mandrake, for a first time installation from the

I have been successfully running Slackware ( for years ) on another Celeron
based system, which is going to be replaced by the above system.

Hans E.

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