Edward -- now i have not done linux/nt4 -- but considered it once, so i read up on it. 
 there is a great artical at linuxnewbie.com about triple booting linux/nt4/win98.  
but on to your problem.  my understanding is that the NT bootloader has to be "the 
man".  thus, you must install linux first, then NT.

my experience with NT is limited, so i can't tell you from experience how to get your 
NT boot loader back (which is what it sounds like you need to do).

i hope this leads you in the right direction.

ps -- i notced your email address.  is that the CSU in fort collins?  if so, we are 
neighbors.  =)

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

>>> "Edward Stow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3:15:30 PM 1/8/01 >>>
I have unsuccessfully tried to install Mandrake 7.2. onto my
machine that had NT4 installed on a NTFS formated primary

* Mandrake 7.2 installed GRUB but does not give me any option to
boot to NT.
* Selecting the Linux option in GRUB -  Linux hangs during bootup.
* (Also during installation I tried but could not create a

How can I boot into my NT partition?  I don't care if the
Mandrake installation is lost.

Edward Stow

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