Adrian wrote:
> 3rd -- as i said, i was considering making a linux/win98/NT4 box.  there is lots of 
>documentation out there how to do this on the net.  sure, some of it is old, but 
>everything i read was very specific about the following:
> win98 first, then linux, then NT
> *NT must be installed last because its bootloader insist on being in control*

That's not the way I normally do it, although I have used this method. 
My way is W98, then NT, then Linux.  The key is to not install lilo to
the mbr (I'm xenophobic and will probably use lilo until they don't put
it in the distros anymore--grub is new fangled stuff), and make a
bootdisk so I can copy the lilo boot record to a dos disk and then to
the root drive and then edit the NT boot.ini. Kinda involved, but, darn
it, it works flawlessly.
> sure, some of this linux stuff is confusing....  but if you jump in without doing 
>any research you can't be surprised when you make a mistake.  A typing error in DOS 
>can really mess up a system.......
> wonder what this file does....
> opps...  i needed that....
> opps....
> what is fdisk
> ok, sure....
> opps....
> darn, where are those windows and dos install disk....

ROFLMAO--yup, it wasn't funny at the time.

> as for it not making the boot disk during the install...
> was this mandrake 7.2?

Mandrake has always given me the makebootdisk option, from 7.2 back to,
I forget, 6 something.

> i hope your next linux experience is better.

Me too.  Linux is worth the trouble, and the more of us that use it, the
better the hardware manufacturers will support the system.  When all is
said and done, Linux and NT are similar os's, designed to do the same
things.  IMO, Linux just does it better, with no secrets.

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