Script kiddies are the loving folks generally described as such that are
cranking out all the code that all the folks running windows are paying
companys like symantec and McAfee all the big money to protect them from.
In short...friggin virus writters. The software companies should either
give them jobs or they should be taken to the public square and publically
beaten till then repent for being a generally HUGE pain in the ass the
computing public. And're not a script kiddie. you're a new Linux
user like the rest of us were at one time who has bigger stones then I did
whenn I first started using Linux 2 years ago messing around upgrading KDE

Now, that being said I think it would be a wise idea for you to follow an
incremental upgrade to KDE rather then attempting to move from 2.0.1 right
to 2.1.beta2. It's hard enough going from 2.1beta1 to beta2 without having
to worry about all the troubles you're getting into without going thri
beta1 first.

I could be wrong about the incremental thing. You may want to contact
Chris Molnar about that, but it seems as though I heard that was the
proper way to do the KDE upgrade. I'm still waiting to hear back from
Chris myself before continuing on with the upgrade from beta1 to beta 2
because of some strange dependency issues I'm having that I didn't have
when I went from 2.0.1 to 2.1beta1.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

                                Linus Torvalds

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, -michael- wrote:

> Mark Weaver wrote:
> >  Script kiddies, and
> > the folks that just can't grasp the concept of a mouse let alone what the
> > mouse is connected to. And I know a few that fall into the second
> > category.
> >
> > --
> > Mark
> >
> > "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
> > "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
> >
> >                                 Linus Torvalds
> >
> > What is a script kiddie and as a newbie who is having a HE!!UVA time upgrading my 
>Mdk7.2 KDE 2.01 to 2.1 B2, am I one?
> -michael-

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