OK y'all  !!    This marks the last time I'm gonna start a thread 
starting with a news wire URL, well maybe ;>  Actually I thought it was 
a business story that kind'a illustrated Linux's present state, and the 
perception of.

   The first full install I did of Mandrake was ~500mb.  A current 'du 
-ch /' with my windoze drive umounted is ~4 gigs! ... and I've 
uninstalled a lot of the apps I don't use, and there's linux stuff on 
the windoze drive, not in that count.  I like it just the way it is, 
the installer that is.  What brandNewbie doesn't install several times 
before they 'settle in' ?  ...and for experienced users, it's easy, 
albeit time consuming, to install just what you want.  As much or 
little.  LM's installation let's YOU choose.  I believe there's nothin 
that needs changin.  I like the current trend in Mandrake's installs.

   As to the 'convert windoze users', and get "linux on everybody's 
desktop' vein this thread has denigrated to.  WHO CARES?  Seriously, be 
more concerned that Linux continues to attract the people that built it 
to begin with ... the people all over the world that contribute to this
free, open source, volunteer effort.  Without them, Linux is dead.  
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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