Adrian Smith wrote:
> opps...  i mean,
> Hi James  (wasn't trying to call you a name or something)
> =)
> my fingers....
> sometimes i don't think they listen to my brain.
> Adrian Smith
> 'de telepone dude
> Telecom Dept.
> x 7042
> >>> "Adrian Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1:47:01 PM 1/17/01 >>>
> Hi Jame.
> i assume you are responding to the paragraph you quoted.  if this is so, then 
>Sridhar wrote that, not me (Adrian).  tho i do agree with him.

No problem about the name, I didn't notice it till you pointed it out.

As for who wrote the quoted text, I think I cut the quote too close,
sorry. I'm not rying to put anyone down, I'm just trying to make a case
for continued improvement. 

I stand behind what I said. I don't agree with the idea that we have to
keep linux (or Mandrake in particular) at the level of difficulty and
documentation that is currently the standard. Yes its a rush to have
someone glance at the screen on my laptop and realize that I'm not using
windows. But its been a tough road to get to this stage and I would like
very much to make it easier for the next users. I am not a computer
professional, although I have taught and done consulting for small
businesses and home users. My experience with windows leads me to belive
that most users could fit right into Mandrake if the docuemntation and
basic information barriers were overcome.

My first experience wiht Mandrake 6.0 (not linux, I'd been using Redhat
and Caldera for a couple of years) was impressive, and I could belive
that here was a company on the road to making linux a useful
alternative. The docuemtation was an order of magnitude better than any
of the alternatives I had seen. I have downloaded the software since
then and have not dealt with the documentation so I don't know if it has
improved. I'd like to hope so, but from the calls I've recieved from
friends I think not. They still have the same problems I mentioed in my
last post with uncertainty as to how to proceed with partitioning, and
package selection. I have also heard of several people who have
unnecessarily trashed dual boot systems because the requisite
information was not readily available to prevent serious damage to a
working system.
James Mellema, CRNA
Linux User # 71650
ICQ #19685870

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