On Friday 02 February 2001 05:26 pm, regarding Re: [newbie] 
Emergency...solved, you said:
>    Hey,
>  >     I've never seen 'em change by anything or anybody but the USER ;>
>  >
>  > > BTW what happened to my fonts? when i opened this post i am
>  > > all of a sudden getting those giant dotted letters? but only
>  > > in the kmail body, not any of the headers.
>    While I can't address your bios thing, this bit is something
>  I'd dealt with often in kmail.  A little history:  For years,
>  when using shell accounts I'd got to know pine pretty well &
>  liked it.  When I'd had done with Windows as any more than a
>  gaming platform & installed RedHat 6.0 (I'd been using RH 5.0 for
>  a while on two boxes as a secondary OS), I used pine.  But RedHat
>  does some odd things sometimes & I suddenly couldn't get pine to
>  read the mail headers any longer (pine takes mail in whatever
>  folder & reformats the headers for its own purposes -- except it
>  was no longer able to do that no matter what I'd done).
>    In any case, I'd turned to kmail, as I have more than one mail
>  account on more than one mail server.  Well, the kmail which is
>  with kde 1.0 (or is that 1.1?) really had some problems -- fonts
>  only one of them.  I'd even upgraded to kde 1.2 & tried kmail
>  there.  Everything was going OK but occasionally would wind up
>  with huge fonts.  I finally got fed up with the little problems
>  when any e-mail with pgp signatures would lock up X.
>    I've not bothered since installing lm7.2 trying kmail since
>  pine is doing fine.  But I really have no desire to deal with it
>  any longer anyway.
>    Meph
I'm into KDE 2.1 now, but I really appreciate your input as I have been 
wanting to play with Pine for some time now. I just found the user 
friendliness of Kmail setup appealing. Pine seemed to be a bit more esoteric. 
Do you know of a good howto on it?


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