> I'm into KDE 2.1 now, but I really appreciate your input as I
> have been wanting to play with Pine for some time now. I just
> found the user friendliness of Kmail setup appealing. Pine
> seemed to be a bit more esoteric. Do you know of a good howto
> on it?

  Hmm.  Not really.  But there's extensive help included with it
-- most anything, such as in the setup, only needs to be
highlighted & you hit ? to get more info.  Go ahead & open it up,
keep an eye on the status lines at the bottom for different
commands to enter, go to Setup, choose Config (at the opening
menu, do s then c & enter some info.

  You may want to take a look at a page on one of my sites which
is mostly about setting up pine & fetchmail:


  There's all sorts of other stuff I've put there so I don't
easily lose it, & it should get you up & running.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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