"Martin Cleaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Remember that MS Word is a stand-alone of a whole family of MS Office
> products. Star Office launches the entire office suite. If MS Office did the
> same it would need to launch Word, Power Point, Excel, etc., etc. You are
> not comparing apples to apples.
> Ineed, but I would much rather just load and launch e.g. Star Word alone, as
> I don't want or need the rest. Few people need more than one or two of the
> apps ever, and certainly not at the same time! :-(
> Rgds
> Martin
I may be wrong, but I believe that the next major iteration of SO (6.0??) 
will be able to open any one of the progams alone, w/o the overhead
of the other programs or desktop takeover.
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dreadful idolatry took place there."
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