Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> Alan:
> Yes, it is in good old plain honest-to-goodness non-html
> readable-everywhere format, just like it's supposed to be.
> -- cmg
> Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> > I just went to a WinME box and configured Outlook
> > Express. There were 3 settings in the 'send' tab to tell
> > it to send in 'plain text'.  Is this in 'plain text'? 
> > Hope so.

Carroll....thanks :-)  This was actually intended for 
carjam/goldenpi who said he (they?) was (were) stuck with 
using HTML because he was stuck with using Outlook Express.

So I tried Outlook Express out to see if it would output 
messages in plain text and to report what settings I used.

Thanks again.

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