> I will add only one thing. Worms are not written in C, particularly the
> windoze versions. The difference between a virus and a worm is this:
> A virus has a "leg" to stand-on, self-executing. A worm do not, it needs
> to use the programming language of the host system. Javascripts and
> Visual Basic Scripts are "worm" incubators. That is, the host "feeds"
> and "nurtures" the script. I hope I am coming through clear as I am
> suddenly hungry. If you need further clarification on the difference
> between a "worm" and a "virus", I can dig up my bookmarks or rummage
> through one of my old magazine articles and post it to this list. I hope
> that won't be neccessary, well at least until I have eaten first!
> Laters.

Recall the first well-known worm - the Morris Worm, in 1988
Neither JavaScript, VB Script nor HTML existed at the time, yet a worm it
still was.

Which is beside the point that that Tom was making about how "all HTML mail
is bad and a security risk".

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