Aston wrote:
> Tafta Zani wrote:
> >
> > ouch, sorry
> >
> > seems that outlook express turn my setting back to HTML format.
> > (still using windoze coz I got WinModem, recommend me the right modem.
> > I mean cheap, fast, and sure it isn't winmodem)
> >
> dynalink made some excellent internal and external modems, including the
> rare PCI based Linmodem, which is a software modem with Linux drivers.
> I had used their ISA modem prior to changing to cable internet, and have
> no complaint.
> recently i was also pleasantly surprised to find that Mitsubushi diamond
> manufactured an external modem that is compatible with Linux and SCO
> Unix.  this was a surprise to me, because i am starting to find alot of
> winmodems among the el - cheapo external modems as well.
> Aston
> Sydney, Australia

Yes...definately. If you can get Cable service I wouldn't spend the
money on a modem. Last summer I spent $104 on a 3Com-US Robotics 56K
internel that works great, but all I can think about now is getting DSL.
I'm not sorry I bought it cause what I was using was dying, but what I'm
going to have to pay for a cable modem is going to be a lot more then
this 3Com modem I'm using now.

"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being
        "Sharing is what makes them powerful."

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