On Saturday 17 February 2001 21:02, you wrote:
> >most often you will need to correctly set your ISP's DNS Server
> > in whatever program you use to dial-in
>      I use something called "kppp."  On the desktop of KDE this
> is reached by clicking on an icon named "Internet."  As I stated
> in my previous postings, the DNS is still the same as it was
> when I could get out on the Internet, and yes, it is correct
> (the settings are the same as on this computer, and I can get
> out on the net with this -- running another OS). Thank you for
> your advice though.  The DNS entry was the first thing I
> checked, and apparently it wasn't completely wrong to do so.
> >> I have checked the "kppp
> >> configuration" settings, and they are correct -- they are the
> >> same they were a couple of months ago, when everything worked
> >> just fine.  I can't figure this out.  Does anybody have any
> >> suggestions?  I am grateful for
> >
> >all
> >
> >> help.
> >>                                                              
> >>   DRX

I had a similar problem aboard ship, getting my mail with kppp and 
a gsm (that's talking $$'s
 if you're abroad :o( .) a few times, inclluding Suse installs. 
Try and configure what I did, nothing worked. When doing a fresh 
install everything worked fine (not always) a sort of a lottery:o(
Testing by typing www.awellknownadres.somewhere in the KDE 
filemanager (nowadays konqueror) gave quick and good evidence 
whether the connection was there.
Being logged in at the isp apparently had nought to do with it, 
it's internal that's for sure.

Semper avanti,                            sailing on Linux,
Harm Bathoorn                             Free evermore.
Hoek. NL.
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