>If you setup your "/home" directory to be on a seperate partition, the
>damage of reinstalling is minimal. You will not lose anyfiles that you
>have placed into this directory but you should not choose to **format**
>this directory when the partitioner asks you for this action. Format "/"
>and mayber "/boot" if they are seperate and you should be ok.
     Yes, but I will lose all new scrips and programs installed in /usr, as
well as the users, won't I?

     I was hoping that there would be a less drastic way to regain Internet
access.  I have always heard that what makes Linux so great is that it
consists of independent modules which are easy to configure and exchange
for other modules, while still keeping the same system.  To use brute force
and reinstall the whole system because of a malfunction in one of these
modules goes completely against this idea, doesn't it?  It feels a bit like
scrapping your car and getting a new one just because the ashtray is full.

>> > if you're abroad :o( .) a few times, inclluding Suse installs.
>> >Try and configure what I did, nothing worked. When doing a fresh
>> >install everything worked fine (not always) a sort of a lottery:o(
>>      So you're saying that I should reinstall the whole Mandrake CD again?
>> Erase the whole system and start from scratch?  I guess I'll have to
>> eventually, but I was kind of hoping that there might be a less extreme
>> solution.
>>                                                           DRX
>> >ciao,
>  .--. `
>  |__| .-------.   Altoine Barker
>  |=.| |.-----.|   Maximum Time, Inc
>  |--| ||$SEND||   Chicago Based Enterprise
>  |  | |'-----'|   http://www.maximumtime.com
>  |__|~')_____('

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