On Sunday 18 February 2001 21:07, you wrote:
> DRX wrote:
> > > if you're abroad :o( .) a few times, inclluding Suse
> > > installs. Try and configure what I did, nothing worked. When
> > > doing a fresh install everything worked fine (not always) a
> > > sort of a lottery:o(
> > >
> > >Being logged in at the isp apparently had nought to do with
> > > it, it's internal that's for sure.
> >
> >      So you're saying that I should reinstall the whole
> > Mandrake CD again? Erase the whole system and start from
> > scratch?  I guess I'll have to eventually, but I was kind of
> > hoping that there might be a less extreme solution.
> >
> >                                                           DRX
> >
> > >ciao,
> If you setup your "/home" directory to be on a seperate
> partition, the damage of reinstalling is minimal. You will not
> lose anyfiles that you have placed into this directory but you
> should not choose to **format** this directory when the
> partitioner asks you for this action. Format "/" and mayber
> "/boot" if they are seperate and you should be ok.

Very true but also a way to keep configuration-faults 'alive' 
especialy on the xserver side.
Semper avanti,                            sailing on Linux,
Harm Bathoorn                             Free evermore.
Hoek. NL.
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