> I'm running mandrake 8.0 and it reports that I have
> this gcc installed.  2.96-0.48mdk

That would account for mine (2.95.3) being different :). But
isn't 2.96 the same broken compiler that Redhat packaged with their
ill-fated 7.0 product? I don't see 2.96 at GNU. I suppose I could get
the gcc source rpms from Mandrake 8.0 and rebuild them here & see what
happens -- I can always reinstall the gcc 2.95.3 source if something

FWIW when I tried building an athlon-aware compiler a few weeks ago, I
didn't get a working compiler - I took gcc 2.95.2 sources plus a
pgcc patch plus an athlon patch, following the directions on
www.athlonlinux.org. What resulted was a compiler that was seriously
broken, and which didn't support Athlon flags even when they were
plainly visible in the compiler's specs file. I posted these findings
around the end of March on the expert list and other places but have had
no substantive replies. I feel I'm one of the very few that have tried
this :(.
> Everything goes fine with the builds until I get that
> error message then it barfs.  I can see the build
> querying the compiler to see if it supports athlon

That is a good sigh. I don't know why you are getting the build
problems though. I suspect it's a problem with the new RPM in
8.0. Do other builds work?

> I've got an /athlon directory in /usr/src/RPM/RPMS
> weird that you don't.  Is your kernel compiled with
> athlon optimizations?  Mine had the /athlon directory

It's not really a kernel issue, although my kernel is compiled
for K7. That's not really optimized for Athlon though; more simplistic
things in the code that streamline it somewhat for that processor.

> Abe
David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               on your hard disk.

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