On Monday 21 May 2001 23:42, you wrote:
> I have three machines, running 7.2 and kde 2....
> One is a P2450 with 128mb ram, and it flies with kde2
> the other, is a P200mmx with 64 mb of ram,,, this one is a gateway system
> but I put kde2 on it anyway, and I'd have to say that one isn't even that
> much slower then the PII450,,,,
> The third is a PIII800 with 128 and it zips along just fine,,,,
> dunno what all the fuss is about..........
> regards
> Frank

Well, the problem is that a relatively large percentage of the 
people who try KDE 2 are unable to get it ro run fast enough to be usable.
About 50% of the people who responded to this question on the 
ALE list reported slowness. Not just newbies; also experienced Linux 
developers have reported the same problems. 

The concern expressed by these developers was that they want their software 
to _continue_ to  run at a usable speed even if their customers upgrade to 
the latest  version of KDE. If they can't count on that being true, then they 
probably won't encourage their clients to use Linux.. 

The most common reply I've gotten is "your configurationi is messed up'.
I suppose that might be possible if I had _done_ any configuration,
but I only installed the CD's onto a blank, formatted disk, using the 

Using the exact same method with Mandrake 7.1, everything works fine.  
Same is true of SuSE 6.3, 6.4, Slack 4.0, TurboLinux 6,  Debian...
So if the configuration is screwed, it's nothing I'm doing. 

Add to that the fact that the developers mentioned earlier certainly have 
the skills to find and fix a mis-configuration - but have neither found one 
nor have they been able to fix it. I don't have those skills, so all I have 
been abto to do is to confirm that there aren't a lot of extra processes 
running - no httpd, no ftpd, etc. Yet, with none of these services running, 
the computer is much slower than it is with M7.1 running with every 
possible service activated. 



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