The Simple answer is this,, There is a problem with the config or something
on the computers that are having slowness probs with KDE2,, I have it
running an a 200mmx with 64 mb of ram, it takes about 25 to 30 seconds to
load, and is as fast as my PII450, it is also faster then win98 was on the
same box...

first thing I'd do if I ran into this problem, is download the src rpm's and
rebuild them on the system that you plan on using them on... That will make
some difference..... (it probably runs well on my 200mmx because mandrake
compiled it to me.... its all i586....

(unless of course you only have an i586 in which case you will probably get
no improvment at all....)

>From this point on, I have decided as a general rule to rebuild all updates
and downloads I do to any of my machines... It doesn't take much extra
effort, and I think when I have my entire distro running on optimised code
for my systems, it will make a substantial difference overall.....

give it a shot,, it certainly can't help....



-----Original Message-----
Of poogle
Sent: Tuesday, 22 May 2001 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Performance issues with Mandrake 8

On Monday 21 May 2001 14:11, you wrote:
> Irv wrote:
> > From: Pelle Poluha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Subject: [newbie] Performance issues with Mandrake 8
> >
> > > Hello!
> > >
> > > I'm working as a developer and needs a stable environment to develop
> > > and test deployments in. So I want to switch from Windows. I need
> > > stability
> >
> > but
> >
> > > at the same time I want speed and a practical UI (read GUI). I need a
> >
> > smooth
> >
> > > file manager, easy  access to OS, an editor, browser, email client
> > > usual I guess) and a C++ & Java IDE.
> >
> > That you'll have  - but not with KDE 2, I'm afraid.
> > Even people with 1ghz / 256 mb machines have reported slowness.
> > My 300mhz / 128 meg pc is too slow to be usable, but not quite as
> > slow as you report - usually KDE takes 30-40 seconds, and new apps
> > or windows 10 - 20 seconds.
> >
> > The good news is that KDE 1.x works just fine. Try an older version of
> > Mandrake or SuSE or RedHat. They're all plenty fast.
> I feel compelled to add to this.
> I'm running LM 8.0 w/KDE2 on a 400 PII, with great success!
> I've experienced NONE of the slowness reported. While I admit that some of
> the "lean & mean" windows managers come up a lot faster, they're also
> a lot less for you. KDE is more than just a window manager, it's a desktop
> environment. Big difference.
> Anyway. Just wanted to throw that in. My KDE 2. runs great on a 400 PII.
> has a modest 256MB ram, and about 30GB of disk to roam on. I'd suggest
> anyone getting performance as slow as is being reported, needs to do some
> serious digging into their configurations. Something is wrong.
>       Ric
> > > I opted for Mandrake because I've heard a lot of good things about it.
> > > So
> >
> > I
> >
> > > downloaded 8.0 last week and eagerly installed it on my AMD K333
> > > machine
> >
> > (96
> >
> > > mb, Riva TNT) on a 2 gig partition. As I've followed the development
> >
> > KDE
> >
> > > with great interest, I  chose KDE as default windows manager (and it
> > > has KDevelop).
> > >
> > > But it's really slow. Just loading Mandrake takes like 3-4 minutes.
> > > Some
> >
> > of
> >
> > > it, I can understand. In the installation process, I included lots of
> > > apps and some of them gets loaded when Mandrake starts (like MySql and
> >
> > postgres,
> >
> > > probably some more servers). But that surely doesn't account for the
> > > immensly slow loading of the OS.
> > >
> > > And then I start KDE... It takes another 2-3 minutes. And using it is
> >
> > awful.
> >
> > > Loading a simple app might take 10-20 secs and everything just crawls.
> > > I just can't use it. I tried Window Maker instead and it worked better
> > > But
> >
> > I
> >
> > > don't want to drop KDE just yet. There must be something wrong with
> > > configuration. I also tried Gnome but it started to look for a trash
> >
> > folder
> >
> > > which it didn't find. Although I canceled that search, it seemed like
> > > it continued to search for the folder because the hd were working
> > > really hard all the time and everything worked even slower than in
> > >
> > > There are also some more strange things happening:
> > > - when I leave the windows manager and come to the 'console', I get a
> > > line typed on the screen all the time: "Sending ICMP signal...failed"
> > > (or something like that). It effectively stops me from working in
> > > console
> >
> > mode.
> >
> > > - it seems like I've lost my internet connection. During installation,
> > > I selected 'DHCP-server' when asked for IP address. And I managed to
> > > some surfing using Konqueror. But after installing Gnome and Window
> > > Maker, something must have happened to the configuration.
> > > - shutting down or restaring the OS always hangs the machine.
> > > - when I start Windows instead, using the boot manager, the initial
> >
> > loading
> >
> > > process seems to be slower now than before. It's not a big deal
> > > it works fine when Windows is loaded but it might give a clue to why
> > > the
> >
> > system
> >
> > > is so slow when I start Linux.
> > >
> > > Please advice!
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Pelle Poluha
> > > Sweden

Just to add my 2 euros worth - I run MD8.0/Kde 2 on a homemade AMD K6II -
- no problems with slowness

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