Well, the connection, firewall, and ipmasq in pretty easy in 8.0.  I can't 
help with the samba cause we don't really want ours to communicate to each 
other.  But with the prior, if you are doing a fresh install, choose set up 
lan and put in your ips for each of your machines and a submask.  Then once 
you boot.  Uninstall mdk rp-pppoe and Install rp-pppoe 3.0 (I think it is, 
their latest) cause I still haven't any luck with mdk version.  Go into 
Mandrake Control Center under connection sharing and fill in the few 
blanks/questions.  Go into the firewall part and answer the few questions.  
Then in a terminal type:  adsl-setup.  Answer the few questions.  Type 
adsl-start and you should all be on the internet.  These are the basic steps 
and easier said than done.  If you need more help, the list is here.  You may 
have to check around the internet for info on samba.
On Wednesday 23 May 2001 12:45 pm, you wrote:
> Hi, everybody.
> I would like to set up a heterogenous home LAN using a Mandrake 8 desktop
> computer (with 2 NICs) as a firewall/router/connection to the internet (and
> normal workstation when needed), with one win98/mandrake8 laptop and one
> MacOS9/Suse7.1ppc desktop as peers to each other, connecting to the
> internet through the Mandrake 8 desktop and able to communicate to each
> other freely.
> Can anyone help me on how to begin this project?
> I am very new to networking, and am not sure how to setup a
> firewall/router, (or even the presice terms to describe what I'm doing).
> I would appreciate any help you can give me both in terms of pointing me
> towards available material and helping explain to me in simple terms what's
> involved.
> I figure the process should go in 4 simple? steps.
>     -Setting up the router/workstation to work with 2 NICs and properly
> connect to the internet.
>     -Set up the above computer as a gateway/firewall to the other two
> computers
>     -set up the other two systems to connect to the internet through the
> gateway, then to each other  (in Linux)
>     -set up the other two systems to connect to the internet through the
> gateway, then to each other  (in their respective dual-boot environments)
> I can't stress how much of a newbie I am with this, and I very much
> appreciate your help.
> Thank you.
> -Paul R

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