ok ill try not to get carried away.
the cable comes into my house, into my cable modem, into eth0 in my gateway. 
then i have eth1 hooked to my hub which hooks to the rest of my computers.
the gateway is an old 486dx 66 with two nics, video, and a floppy drive. 
freesco runs off of the floppy. my isp uses dhcp so eth0 is set to dhcp. i 
also have the dhcp server running in freesco so it serves ip addresses to 
all my computers.
i live in a rural area so we dont get many attacks. the good thing about 
freesco is if you screw it up you can just pop it in to another machine, 
format the disk, and reload it back up. it takes less that 5min for me to 
set up the routing and firewall/nat on the gateway. sll you have to do to 
get the dhcp server is tell the setup that you want to use it.

as for the rp-pppoe im not sure. we dont have that here. i will look thru 
the documentation i have and i will let you know if i find anything

hope this helps. if you have any other questions, just ask, if i know i will 
gladly share. i hope everyone on this list feel this same way. i have only 
been using it(the list) for a little while and i have learned alot. i hope 
it will stay that way.

james massardo

>To: "Newbie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [newbie] firewall setup
>Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 15:22:51 -0500
>Thanks, and thanks for the offer to help further.  I'll probably give it a
>shot again later today.  Do you suppose i can still use my current gateway 
>a router for the internal lan and use the freesco for like a firewall 
>it and the internet?  And how do I connect to adsl, as I use rp-pppoe
>currently, what do I do with freesco?
>As another way, Would it work if I set it up as a bridge between the 
>and the dsl modem/lan?  Would rp-pppoe still connect out through it?  I 
>it.  I could set it up as a bridge between the gateway and the lan, but I'd
>like to protect the gateway machine as well.  I'd really like freesco to be
>my first line of defense.  (That machine I want to put it on has a new
>unformatted hdd, and I'd like to keep it that way where hackers will only
>have what's in ram to mess with.  They shouldn't have enough ram left to do
>much and then if they do get thru, they still have to contend with Bastille
>(is that what mandrake's firewall setup in control center uses?) on the
>present gateway. And then portsentry on the linux workstations and 
>on the windows.
>How do you have your network set up?  I'm not getting scanned as much now,
>but a couple of weeks ago, I was getting hammered!  I think I even got
>compromised, as some critical file permissions had changed and my root
>password became iffy on the gateway.  I was using pmfirewall with ipchains
>then.  I feel a little more secure with this iptables thing in mandrake, 
>would feel better if I could get something else between us and the
>On Thursday 24 May 2001 09:03 am, James Massardo wrote:
> > you can select three different options:
> > 1: ethernet to 56k
> > 2: ethernet to ethernet router/firewall (this is what i use. i have a 
> > modem and it works great)
> > 3: ethernet to ethernet bridge
> >
> > I can explain in more detain if you need. just let me know
> > James Massardo
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: s <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 4:10 PM
> > Subject: Re: [newbie] firewall setup
> >
> > > I tried that route, but didn't have much luck.  It seemed to want to 
>be a
> > > bridge for ethernet with only connection capablities for 56k dial up.  
> > > this correct or did I misunderstand/ do something wrong?
> > > -s
> > >
> > > On Wednesday 23 May 2001 01:14 pm, you wrote:
> > > > a realy good firewall/dhcp/proxy server can be found at
> > > > http://www.freesco.org i run it on an old 486 and it runs off one
> > > > floppy disk

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