Check out IBM's Homepage Builder 
and Amaya ( They complement each other well. 
I'm not sure whether IBM's Homepage Builder supports XFree 4 yet -- I 
tried it a little while ago and it hosed my X font server.

As for Office, have you tried StarOffice or OpenOffice yet?

On Sat, 16 Jun 2001 13:36, Romanator wrote:
> If you think Linux is great now, wait till the Office tools get
> improved, additional vidio card drivers and improved kernel are
> added. I'll give it  2 - 5 years. It'll be good-bye Microsoft for
> me...That's the only reason I'm hanging on to MS ,is that I still
> need MSWord, Excel, a certain simulation tool and a good html editor
> with WYSIWYG. However, I can already replace Excel with Kspread. Are
> there any good math programs and html editors out there for Linux?
> "Charles A. Punch" wrote:
> > Solver wrote:
> > > An average, or lower, user, assuming he has got kowledge of
> > > English, can install Windows without trouble, easily install
> > > apps under it, click start, point to programs and Microsoft
> > > Word.........
> > >
> > > This kind of statement is one of the things that scares off
> > > potential Linux users. I switched over to Linux, because Windows
> > > crashed on me and would not re-install correctly on my laptop.
> > > In desperation I installed LM 71, which I had played around
> > > with, but was afraid of, because of statements like the one
> > > above or, "Linux is not user friendly" It installed without a
> > > hitch and I managed to get my mailing list done on time. It was
> > > easier to install than Windows, contrary to popular belief. I
> > > have not
> ooked back since. I use Win98 now only because I have not figured
> out how to install my scanner correctly, but I have had trouble with
> peripherals in windows as well. My zip drive gave me a real hard
> time to install in Windows, but LM recognized it with no problem. I
> didn't have to do anything. I didn't install a driver or anything,
> it just worked after install.
> > Solver also wrote;
> >
> > > Once, when I was instructing a user to type DOS commands, I
> > > didn't say open the MS-DOS prompt. I just said:
> > > Type the following commands:
> > > cd \windows
> > > copy user.dat \backup
> > > copy user.da0 \backup
> > > defrag
> > > ....
> > > And, when nothing worked I was suprised. Turned out that user
> > > typed it all in Word... And I can never imagine users like this
> > > installing Linux apps and compiling sources.
> > > Solver...........
> > >
> > > It sounds like the above "user" would have trouble with any
> > > operating system, but it would fall under the category of a non
> > > sequitor to assume that he would have any more trouble with
> > > Linux than with Windows or for that matter, any other OS. I use
> > > Linux because it is easier to install and use than Windows. No
> > > defragmenting or cleaning up the registry every five minutes
> > > like in Windows, less crashes from opening too many programs at
> > > once and finally less chance of getting a virus. Okay, so some
> > > softwa
> e is a little harder to install, but it seems that I see more and
> more RPMs instead of or in addition to than in the past and that is
> a small concession to make for all the other advantages.
> > ShalomOut
> >     Chal
> >
> > Registered Linux user #217118

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
        "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
        LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
                -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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