Dear List; In response to this latest garbage from Microsoft, and having a 
pretty good understanding of their standard FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) 
policy, I can see why you might think that this latest attack on Linux 
deserves a response. However, having also attended the LinuxExpo Montreal 
during the last 2 days, I'd like to suggest that you hold off for a few 
months. Several new technologies were announced at this Expo that will soon 
have a throat-choking effect on Steve, Bill and the Redmond Boys. A few 
companies that appeared to be their allies, have been ticked off enough to 
begin their own counter-attacks. Some of these will come in the form of new 
OPEN SOURCE software from unexpected places which will revolutionize the 
server/cluster industry, and some from old friends in the Linux industry that 
will quite simply kick the hot air out of Microsoft. The gloves are off. And 
there's gonna be a fight. Unfortunately, It's a gunfight, and Microsoft will 
be bringing a pea-shooter. 

All we have to do is respond with the truth, and let the big boys duke it out.
Like the man said, "In the end, there can be only one" ! I know for a fact 
that Microsoft won't be left standing when the smoke clears! 


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