Don't know about Compaq, but Dell promotes Linux as an OS choice for its
servers.  Don't think I've seen any advertising (I'm on their mailing list)
offering it for desktop machines -- but I'd be happy to be wrong on this.
Walter Luffman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Medina, TN USA
Supercharged with extra glucose! (Type 2 diabetes 5/99, d/e/m/motorcycle)
"Sage", purple 1998 Honda VT1100C Shadow Spirit
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 02:01
Subject: Re: [newbie] No-one uses Linux, says Microsoft

> That's odd... because I remember reading some place that Compaq and
> DELL both shipped like 15% of their machines a year with a Linux OS,
> mainly RedHat.  (I don't remember the number, I just tossed 15% in
> there for the comment.)  I think it came from a "RedHat" site, so it
> may have been publicity for RedHat, which is not uncommon for them.

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