It was Wed, 20 Jun 2001 21:01:31 +0100 when Gary wrote:

I don't mind. What are you installing? Linux 4 Windows?

>Hope you don`t mind - Ive just bought
>this distro and got as far as the file
>system part of install when:
>windows partition is too fragmented,
>please run defrag first at
> line 113
>I have defragged using Norton speeddisk
>(2001) and win98se defrag. All 100%
>----System Information
>Platform: Windows 98 SE
>Machine Type: Intel
>System Version: 4.10.2222
>Processor: Pentium II or III
>Physical RAM Installed: 89476 Kb

Well begun is half done.
-Aristotle - Registered Linux User 174403
       Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
    ** - when you care **

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