Charles (or anyone else),

Noticed your post, thought you might be able to answer a few questions
related to shrinking Windows partitions:

1. Sometimes when I defrag a Windows partition there are clusters that
"can't be moved" in various locations throughout the partition -- can
"resize" move those while shrinking?  

2. Does reshrink give any warning before it reshrinks if the size you
ask for requires moving the "can't be moved" clusters?  

3. Does resize even attempt to move clusters, or does it just shrink by
the amount of emtpy space at the end of the partition?

Randy Kramer

Charles A Edwards wrote:
> 1)Run both ScanDisk and Defrag on your drive before you begin the
> installation
> 2)Run the installation in Expert mode.
> 3)At the partitioning stage of the installation click on your Windows
> partition and select the resize option and resize it by the amount of space
> you wish to alow for linux.

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