On Thursday 21 June 2001 08:15 am, Randy Kramer wrote:

> One followup question:  Must I restore those attributes for any
> (functional) reason after the defrag?  (I mean, is there any reason
> something (in Windows) would not work because the attributes have
> been changed?)

    No.  There's no permissions in Winblows, which is one reason it's 
so inherently insecureable. M$ uses those attributes (ie, hidden and 
system) so most users won't know those files exist, and hopefully won't 
fool with 'em.  BTW, defrag with some Windoze systems won't move swap 
files either.  There's a few work-arounds, but the easiest is to set 
virtual memory to -0- (only if you have 64mb ram or more), and then 
reboot and defrag.  This isn't usually a problem tho.
Tom Brinkman      [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

> Thanks,
> Randy Kramer
> Tom Brinkman wrote:
> >    Boot to DOS, then you need to strip the hidden and system
> > attributes from all files. These are the files that defrag can't
> > move. IIRC, that would be 'attrib -s-r-h *.*' on the CL in C:\.  At
> > least you don't need to be root ;>  Check the syntax before you try
> > it ('attrib /?'), it's been a _long_ time since I've fooled around
> > in Winblows. Defrag also does a better job if you Uncheck the
> > 'speed up programs' option and run it several times.
> >
> >    While you're at the DOS prompt, you can also clean up and
> > compress your registry.  'scanreg /fix', followed with 'scanreg
> > /opt'

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