"Rita F. Koenigs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<big snip>
> In KDE, I went to the "start menu",

> Configuration/Networking/Netconfigurator. I

> went, under Client Tasks, to the Name server specs/DNS...

> There was an error with the current settings which mentioned how

> /etc/resolv.conf needed to be edited  -- and it seemed to be

> fixable right there .... 


> So I added nocharge.com for the domain name where there was

> nothing before, and edited the "IP of NameServer" -- added the

> two addresses .... this part seems to correspond with your

> suggestion. 


> Before doing this with KDE, I'd tried to use the command line

> instructions you had written down, but am pretty stinky at it so

> far ... lots of no command or file or something. 

OK Rita, humor an old man ;o)
Do not open a terminal (for command line), open a text editor.
Any of the K editor's is fine, just be certain to do this as root.
Now tell the editor to open the file /etc/resolv.conf.  It may be 
almost empty (or indeed, empty).  Now add the three lines I 
suggested in my last e-mail:

search nocharge.com
nameserver <dns#>
nameserver <dns#>

Now save those changes and try to connect again.
This is a simple matter of editing text, not using the
dreaded "command line"  8^)

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